Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Kung Fu Gardener

Kung Fu Gardener is my space on the Web. a space that had no physical existence, a space existing on a cold, calculating, server somewhere in the world connected to this experience we call the internet. But, Kung Fu Gardener will not be "of the Internet". This place will be organic, it will breath Life, Love, Inspiration and Hope. This is a place for those in need of enlightenment,
encouragement, knowledge, and hope. The name is inspired by my two favorite activities in the world. Both take Time and Energy, can be frustrating and difficult. Both require knowledge and discipline, and both are something you never stop learning no matter how long you have done either. Kung Fu and gardening, are my greatest joys, they center me, Teach me about who I am, Inspire me, challenge me, Liberate my mind and body, and empower me, Heal me, Bring me closer to the earth, and the all powerful life force that we are all connected by.

I will keep these posts as anonymous as possible. I will not preach my personal beliefs, I will try very hard to be as anonymous are possible. I will not use any real names, but all the stories and ideas will be real. I have learned the very real truth about what can happen to a person who puts to much information into cyberspace for all to see.

With that said I will tell you a small but about myself that will be relevant to the purpose of this blog.

I am a former computer programmer who was very ill with with multiple ailments both Emotional and Physical. I was a sickly child, and a depressed, and anxious adult with a crippling fear of just about everything. A person who hid there lack of self confidence in Cynicism and Criticism.

I have recently shed the skin of my previous self. Leaving it all behind as I moved from my busy life in southern CA. Everything I was there was making me unhappy and ill. By Grace and Magic I have arrive to a Vortex, a self sustaining pocket of the country that resides inside the only true Rain Forest in our Country. The healing and beautiful Appalachian mountains also known as "The Smokies" nicknamed after the low layer of Mist and Clouds that Role in and out of the valleys and mountains of Western North Carolina. Now being 34 years old, I have just began to figure out who I am. What my time here means to me, and what the purpose of life truly is for myself.

Looking back on my former self now I do not view that life with disappointment, regret, or disgust, but with the understanding that if just one part of my past self had been different I might not have arrived were I am today...The begging of my joyous journey.

I have been "Unplugged" for almost 4 months now, but it was a friends encouraging words the has inspired me to use the Internet once again. Not for Malice, not for Drama. Nor for Rants or posting vain pictures taken of myself by myself, nor is it a place to try and sell you anything. This space will be a sanctuary. Were travelers can come and go, and all whom are open of mind, and hopefully of Heart are welcome.

I do not think of myself as a person who can guide anyone else. I have had many teachers in my life, many people who have helped me and guided me. And if in some small way I can somehow help someone with the knowledge I have accumulated then this Blog will be time well spent.

~When The Student Is Ready, the Teacher Appears...